Hero, meet your villain; or, never mind

It's a common trope in fiction: a final confrontation between the central hero of a story and its central villain. It's an important trope in Westerns, both on the page and screen -- Clint Eastwood's "Unforgiven" is just one famous example. And we see it in works of fiction that are too many to count: … Continue reading Hero, meet your villain; or, never mind

Finishing Mansfield Park

November 24, 2020 Spoilers ahead I was engrossed by “Mansfield Park” from beginning to end.  Of the thousand thoughts I’m having, probably questions about Henry Crawford are the most difficult to answer.  That may be no surprise to those who have read the novel.  Henry flirts with two sisters, just like Frederick Wentworth had. And … Continue reading Finishing Mansfield Park

Northanger Abbey movie (2007)

November 16, 2020 I’ve just seen the 2007 version of “Northanger Abbey”, and maybe my expectations were too high, but it was disappointing.  Everything is too broad and obvious.  We know, for example, who are the bad apples because they are clearly, ominously bad as soon as we see them.  All mystery, ambiguity, and uncertainty … Continue reading Northanger Abbey movie (2007)